for emma
my life has too many emmas. Emma Woodhouse, whom i met through Jane in my seventeenth year. She inhabited my holidays, i spent too much time reading about her before term began. It was terrible. She made me love those awful drawing room novels and endless tea and dinner parties so fashionable in the late Romantic era.
three emmas who studied english in london. most importantly Emma Charlton, whose name was a homonym for the street i lived on (spelling was different by just one letter), whose wit was as sharp as a guillotine, whose mind was so brilliant it made me weak at the knees, who asked me if i had read Hawksmoor by Peter Ackroyd (I hadn't. You must, she said, if you are concerned with the detective genre), who asked me, don't you think the genre having reached its end in this book, is fully symptomatic and in fact predictive of the social context in which it was written? i hadn't read that book either, nor knew the context. i was speechless. i wanted to cry in awe.
(ok i confess i can't remember what question she asked me. it was so far ahead of me i couldn't even retain it in my memory. some other time at a play i saw her, waved and smiled. she looked like she wanted to be somewhere else, gave me half a smile and avoided me).
another emma. Emma Yong: my "nemesis". the story is too ridiculous to be tragic, too sad to be funny. i feel it in the pit of my embarassment - boy, that's stupid. But i feel it all the same. i loathe you, but you don't even know me.
at this point i will stop listing the ems and emmas before it gets out of hand.
so, Greeners. did you know my favourite colour is green? In Girl, Dominque Swain is in love with the lead singer of a band called The Colour Green. funny.
when the sandstorms settle after the season is over much of the land is parched and bruised from the unpredictable interruptions. the herder asked the young apprentice to stay on and help him tend the goats on the allotment near the city in the mountains. the young apprentice said no, i want to see the world wide under this sheltering sky. the herder was angry and told the young apprentice there was no happiness to be found that way.
the young herder became a traveller and journeyed on the walking paths to the sea which ran blue and clear in the bays, and to the forgotten corners where dates grow in sweet plenty. she ended up in the many gated city, itself a gate to the enormous dunes of the desert.
what is a camel? a camel is a pretty thing and an ugly thing at the same time. while taking a long sip of cool water from the fountain near the east gate she met the caravan master with the devious smile and old eyes. a camel is an ugly animal to most, he said, and bad tempered, but so beautiful inside. when we travel, camels drink first, he said, hoisting buckets over to each of the animals he was with, for we are nothing without them. Have you been to the place where the dates grow in plenty? he asked. she nodded. we would never taste those dates if not for the camels that carry them - i personally would never be able to walk and carry any dates, he smirked.
i never noticed camels that much, she said.
perhaps you should, he said. they are everywhere but we never see them.
they spoke a little more but by nightfall he was gone. soon she was tending camels in the city that was teeming with them but which never noticed them. every day she walked past the fountain at the east gate, every day she brushed the camels down carefully and whispered to them to take care on their journeys, and to take care of the caravaners who weren't as talented in the desert. one day while she was giving a stern talking-to to one of the camels for unecessary spitting the caravan master walked into the yard. she stood. he stood.
well, here you are tending camels, how unexpected for you to take my words to heart, he said.
i am a herder, after all, she said. A long pause with the caravaner's long smile.
well, he said, then i don't know what to say.
say, she said, that you want a camel.
three emmas who studied english in london. most importantly Emma Charlton, whose name was a homonym for the street i lived on (spelling was different by just one letter), whose wit was as sharp as a guillotine, whose mind was so brilliant it made me weak at the knees, who asked me if i had read Hawksmoor by Peter Ackroyd (I hadn't. You must, she said, if you are concerned with the detective genre), who asked me, don't you think the genre having reached its end in this book, is fully symptomatic and in fact predictive of the social context in which it was written? i hadn't read that book either, nor knew the context. i was speechless. i wanted to cry in awe.
(ok i confess i can't remember what question she asked me. it was so far ahead of me i couldn't even retain it in my memory. some other time at a play i saw her, waved and smiled. she looked like she wanted to be somewhere else, gave me half a smile and avoided me).
another emma. Emma Yong: my "nemesis". the story is too ridiculous to be tragic, too sad to be funny. i feel it in the pit of my embarassment - boy, that's stupid. But i feel it all the same. i loathe you, but you don't even know me.
at this point i will stop listing the ems and emmas before it gets out of hand.
so, Greeners. did you know my favourite colour is green? In Girl, Dominque Swain is in love with the lead singer of a band called The Colour Green. funny.
when the sandstorms settle after the season is over much of the land is parched and bruised from the unpredictable interruptions. the herder asked the young apprentice to stay on and help him tend the goats on the allotment near the city in the mountains. the young apprentice said no, i want to see the world wide under this sheltering sky. the herder was angry and told the young apprentice there was no happiness to be found that way.
the young herder became a traveller and journeyed on the walking paths to the sea which ran blue and clear in the bays, and to the forgotten corners where dates grow in sweet plenty. she ended up in the many gated city, itself a gate to the enormous dunes of the desert.
what is a camel? a camel is a pretty thing and an ugly thing at the same time. while taking a long sip of cool water from the fountain near the east gate she met the caravan master with the devious smile and old eyes. a camel is an ugly animal to most, he said, and bad tempered, but so beautiful inside. when we travel, camels drink first, he said, hoisting buckets over to each of the animals he was with, for we are nothing without them. Have you been to the place where the dates grow in plenty? he asked. she nodded. we would never taste those dates if not for the camels that carry them - i personally would never be able to walk and carry any dates, he smirked.
i never noticed camels that much, she said.
perhaps you should, he said. they are everywhere but we never see them.
they spoke a little more but by nightfall he was gone. soon she was tending camels in the city that was teeming with them but which never noticed them. every day she walked past the fountain at the east gate, every day she brushed the camels down carefully and whispered to them to take care on their journeys, and to take care of the caravaners who weren't as talented in the desert. one day while she was giving a stern talking-to to one of the camels for unecessary spitting the caravan master walked into the yard. she stood. he stood.
well, here you are tending camels, how unexpected for you to take my words to heart, he said.
i am a herder, after all, she said. A long pause with the caravaner's long smile.
well, he said, then i don't know what to say.
say, she said, that you want a camel.
wow..u even change the description column..winter has come..but season will soon change. not to worry. *pat on the shoulder* lolss
are u going to do *handsign*? heh
does this entry has anything to do with -a piece of yourself-?
-liz' -> freeing shark n shark captor. hey, who's the prey and predator?
Anonymous, at Tuesday, June 07, 2005 3:15:00 AM
i think camels are B-E-A-U-tiful creatures.
-your not-so-secret lover :)
Anonymous, at Tuesday, June 07, 2005 5:38:00 AM
It's Dominique, right? She reminds me a little of Kirsten Dunst when she smiles hard. They have similar eyes and cheekbones. At least that's what I think.
I have no idea what kind of reputation she's got, but I googled "Dominque Swain" without the "i" and the first link was to a porn site claiming to have her nude pictures. The description was vague and I clicked on it, and my mother, who was sitting behind me, got a rude shock.
I heard she's not bad in Lolita anyway. I haven't watched the movie though.
You said "Jane" like you knew Austen personally.
Emma Charlton seems like that kind of person who would annoy me immensely, but I shan't say anything more. I don't know her personally, so I can't judge.
Anyway what's the use of being so bloody brilliant when she doesn't even have the most basic courtesy of greeting someone sincerely. I like Agatha Christie still, who cares about Peter.
Tell us all about Emma Yong sometime. If it's too private, it's ok. Yuans will still try to force it out of you.
Then how come you never wear green shirts! I don't, because green makes me look even paler/sicker, according to some people. Green makes me very hyperactive though.
Did that movie pop into your head suddenly? What's so strange about falling in love with a rock band lead singer anyway? Plus, it's The Colour Green! It should all the more be that way.
First Emmaline. Then Emmers. Now Greeners. I'm speechless.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, June 07, 2005 9:21:00 AM
I wonder if your stories mean anything. I want to know what they mean.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, June 07, 2005 10:03:00 AM
they mean whatever you want them to. you wanted a discount camels story.
pure, at Tuesday, June 07, 2005 10:16:00 AM
they mean whatever you want them to. so what are they to you?
- tart baker :)
Anonymous, at Tuesday, June 07, 2005 9:46:00 PM
well it's a confession, tart maker, (that i like Austen, that i loved a girl out of my league, that i hate an actress) it's a memory (it's what i have done, what i have failed to do), it's a story about a feeling: wanting to give, not knowing whether the receiver will return, not caring if they will).
maybe it's about thinking that if i give with enough purity, surely the receiver will reciprocate.
it's about dicing around the edge of a thought, and not saying it.
(not so secret lover, the first four letters of beautiful are "beau". coincidence?)
pure, at Wednesday, June 08, 2005 6:31:00 AM
hm, i didnt actually notice tat. i got it from "bruce almighty" where jim carrey said, "B-E-A-U-tiful". maybe camels aint a coincidence. they're meant to be B-E-A-U-tiful Beaus. HM HM.
-your not-so-secret lover <3
Anonymous, at Wednesday, June 08, 2005 7:10:00 PM
I hate double entrendes and CHIM-O-LOGY cos I can't understand a freaking shat.
But Emma's a nice name...
Anonymous, at Wednesday, June 08, 2005 10:12:00 PM
please speak in english. =/
Anonymous, at Thursday, June 09, 2005 12:26:00 AM
hellos your entries are like words between words!!! haha must decipher slowly! urghs. Lol
eileenb, at Thursday, June 09, 2005 6:26:00 AM
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