holy shit. what a lot of comments! thanks everyone.
Hi there everyone, you guys sure are fast. i'm not sure what to say about being "hawt", since i don't feel it much. i just had a walk through your own blogs, and you guys are doing really good stuff there too. i'll try to wear ties more often then.
why a tie!? i dont think thats gonna make u look "hwat-er". u'll look more like a geek. G E E K. and its hilarious to visualise you with a pair of specs. LOLSss.gees please dont wear a tie. save us from puking. - liz'
lately i do find that surfing the net is involving more and more of stamina and effort. whew - it's hard work man. ahem no links yet, this is a self-contained page. So far. heh.
heyy there. i agree with that last remark x). it takes my hours to search on google for ye blog and still no news =/. Bobbibrown is currently the one thats searching for ur blog frantically. =).
in the summer there was love, and my heart was an open road. we could have rolled on for ever. but the days became short, and winter came too soon, and the land is blanketed with snow. no two snowflakes drifting through my hands are identical, but they obliterate the ground all the same.
i hope you didn't just look at this one picture.... it's not representative. Wait. I lie. It is. Oh no! I'm dark and brooding. I hate that.
pure, at Wednesday, May 25, 2005 9:59:00 AM
interesting >.<
go watch star wars and cheer urself upp x)
Anonymous, at Thursday, May 26, 2005 5:23:00 AM
Anonymous, at Thursday, May 26, 2005 9:07:00 PM
Your blog is now truely popular. WHAHA.
karen, at Thursday, May 26, 2005 11:59:00 PM
yo my sexy aussie-surfer-tour guide. you're hawt. remember chartered bus, wedding invites, & striped ties. oh, and a wig too.
Anonymous, at Thursday, May 26, 2005 11:59:00 PM
holy shit. what a lot of comments! thanks everyone.
Hi there everyone, you guys sure are fast. i'm not sure what to say about being "hawt", since i don't feel it much. i just had a walk through your own blogs, and you guys are doing really good stuff there too. i'll try to wear ties more often then.
pure, at Friday, May 27, 2005 1:06:00 AM
why a tie!? i dont think thats gonna make u look "hwat-er". u'll look more like a geek. G E E K. and its hilarious to visualise you with a pair of specs. LOLSss.gees please dont wear a tie.
save us from puking.
- liz'
Anonymous, at Friday, May 27, 2005 2:34:00 AM
surfing is a sport
so is surfing the net x).
any moree links to your other blogs =).
Anonymous, at Friday, May 27, 2005 5:05:00 AM
hey yuanlong
lately i do find that surfing the net is involving more and more of stamina and effort. whew - it's hard work man. ahem no links yet, this is a self-contained page. So far. heh.
pure, at Friday, May 27, 2005 6:45:00 PM
heyy there.
i agree with that last remark x). it takes my hours to search on google for ye blog and still no news =/. Bobbibrown is currently the one thats searching for ur blog frantically. =).
Anonymous, at Saturday, May 28, 2005 5:01:00 AM
this whole page of comments made me sputter on my milo peng.
hawt. black hawt down, yeah baby.
Bobbibrown bobbica won't let us down. You better make your love blogs private, mr lee-weng.
wear ties sparingly for the extra hawt effect. too much and you'll become like emmalyn the geekazoid. join me in the front row during pw lectures. (:
what secondary school do you think i came from? this question popped into my head like a random Brownian particle.
Anonymous, at Saturday, May 28, 2005 9:48:00 AM
yeahh. lets have faith in bobbibrown. i trust that he will find mr weng's address as well =). right?. lets all call 100 and ask
Anonymous, at Saturday, May 28, 2005 9:50:00 PM
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