I sat and watched the kitchen sink
domestic triassic jurassic laconic stoic. I see. You see.
I lost a whole year in a day, exploring the world from one single spot. I saw everything and went nowhere, moved continents and only my hands. I reached across the sahara, the atlantic, and touched my ankle, my shoulder blade. Bugs crawled across the ceiling, across the floor, on the face of the himalayan mountain. Breath came in gasps, heaving, running a marathon to the window.
I lost a whole year in a day, exploring the world from one single spot. I saw everything and went nowhere, moved continents and only my hands. I reached across the sahara, the atlantic, and touched my ankle, my shoulder blade. Bugs crawled across the ceiling, across the floor, on the face of the himalayan mountain. Breath came in gasps, heaving, running a marathon to the window.
i wrote it and lost it. and wrote it again. it's not so good second time around
pure, at Sunday, April 03, 2005 10:18:00 AM
Bugger that. I know how that feels.
So did anything happen at the "equator" of late? Oh say.. over the dinner table perhaps? I hope she enjoyed the "dinner".
Eddie G., at Sunday, April 03, 2005 10:43:00 PM
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