in this desert you are king IV
and i am languishing in the dungeon. i have been held here in the room without windows for so long i don't know if it is night or day or weeks or months. my screams and cries echo in the walls of the chamber and the deep pit is where they put me when they have tired of flogging and cutting me. i never know when i am going to be awoken for more slapping and questioning. i never know when the session is going to end. i think that is how they want it.
The questions are the same everytime: who, where, what, how. though it is hardly ever asked why. perhaps they don't care, though maybe i could tell them. that would be one of the few things i could actually tell them. They are preoccupied with who and what, the facts and facts of it all. they think that they can beat the answers out of me, that with every finger digit they rip off and every curdling scream i make they come closer to knowing what they want. Everytime my head is dunked they think i come closer to telling them what they want to know. But i will never tell them. Because i do not know. It gives me great pleasure to know that they cannot get what they want, no matter how many of my teeth they pull out. It makes them mad to see me light up when i think about it, and then they redouble their efforts.
You used to preside over the events when i first came in here. You coolly applied the red hot brand to my skin, listening while i howled with your head inclined ever so gently. A servant gave you a glass of water and a towel to wipe your hands with afterwards. Did it start then, with the sense of satisfaction at seeing your emblem burned into my thigh? I saw you more often than expected, you seemed to drop by the dungeon frequently to inquire about the questioning, and stayed longer than i or the torturers expected. Do you want to know these things too? So many times when i was bound to the wheel you brought your face close to mine, and asked me the same questions they did. I gave you the same answers. You looked away disappointed, and finally you slapped me.
I live in the dungeon but we have not forgotten those who have forgotten us. Every scrap of talk and gossip eventually finds its way down here. I heard you lost interest in your games and jesters, looking on boredly at the ingenious little distractions or large spectacles put up for your entertainment. I heard you looked like a ghost, while sat on the large cushioned throne, looking through the ambassadors and petitioners queuing to say flowery words to you. The scented tea in the porcelain cups which you treasure so much goes cold in your hands, untouched until it is time for another cup to be made. - We the forgotten are hungry to know what the forgetting world outside does.
You began to spend more time in the dungeons, and took to participating in the interrogations, yelling in my ear and making threats, using the whip liberally. The courtiers and corridors talked about how your appetites changed, how the dances changed in tone and the parties became harsh orgies. The halls resonate with how bored you are by the flawless skin and velvety luscious ways of the nubile dancers and prancers who punctuated your evenings. You spent more time questioning me than signing documents, your clean starched robes ever more splattered with the blood from my body from the strokes.
I tell you nothing but you don't stop questioning, demanding. You have taken to it with relish, with the concern for the truth and safety of the kingdom as your foil. My harried shrieks of pain and my cries of mercy will yield no fruit and no secrets, but you continue anyway. But i know you don't care, in fact you are glad i divulge nothing so that you can go on beating me. You are early to get here, you don't leave till late judging by the meals that are now served here in the chamber. I know you would rather be here than upstairs in your throne room. I can feel you thinking of me when the edicts are presented to you for signing at the beginning of every morning and when the countless affairs of state are read to you for consideration. I can sense it when you walk into my dungeon, when you eagerly grasp the whip or other implement and start on me. I can hear it in your breathing, coming in gasps during the pauses between flogging, fast and shallow the more i scream, and the tender way you touch my back and rub the salt into the wounds. You whisper to me, tell me the truth, and this will stop. But that will never happen -you want to break me, but if i break you will not have the pleasure of the breaking any longer.
in this desert you are king and the state is going to pieces while you linger in this dungeon with me. You are tired of your delicious perfect whores and long for something bloodier and darker. We both know no amount of torture will yield any secrets from me, but you are not here to learn any secrets. The black clad torturers have taken a back seat, and you handle the tools with tenderness. The howls of agony that emanate from me last hours until my voice gives out in a dry croak, and every cry and spasm of pain from me only fuels you more. Soon you will be here at all hours of the day, sick of your sunlight filled gardens and billowing sheer curtains and soft pillows, taking in the dark and rat infested room what they can never give you. And i, joined to you in pain, will have achieved what you never believed i would.
The questions are the same everytime: who, where, what, how. though it is hardly ever asked why. perhaps they don't care, though maybe i could tell them. that would be one of the few things i could actually tell them. They are preoccupied with who and what, the facts and facts of it all. they think that they can beat the answers out of me, that with every finger digit they rip off and every curdling scream i make they come closer to knowing what they want. Everytime my head is dunked they think i come closer to telling them what they want to know. But i will never tell them. Because i do not know. It gives me great pleasure to know that they cannot get what they want, no matter how many of my teeth they pull out. It makes them mad to see me light up when i think about it, and then they redouble their efforts.
You used to preside over the events when i first came in here. You coolly applied the red hot brand to my skin, listening while i howled with your head inclined ever so gently. A servant gave you a glass of water and a towel to wipe your hands with afterwards. Did it start then, with the sense of satisfaction at seeing your emblem burned into my thigh? I saw you more often than expected, you seemed to drop by the dungeon frequently to inquire about the questioning, and stayed longer than i or the torturers expected. Do you want to know these things too? So many times when i was bound to the wheel you brought your face close to mine, and asked me the same questions they did. I gave you the same answers. You looked away disappointed, and finally you slapped me.
I live in the dungeon but we have not forgotten those who have forgotten us. Every scrap of talk and gossip eventually finds its way down here. I heard you lost interest in your games and jesters, looking on boredly at the ingenious little distractions or large spectacles put up for your entertainment. I heard you looked like a ghost, while sat on the large cushioned throne, looking through the ambassadors and petitioners queuing to say flowery words to you. The scented tea in the porcelain cups which you treasure so much goes cold in your hands, untouched until it is time for another cup to be made. - We the forgotten are hungry to know what the forgetting world outside does.
You began to spend more time in the dungeons, and took to participating in the interrogations, yelling in my ear and making threats, using the whip liberally. The courtiers and corridors talked about how your appetites changed, how the dances changed in tone and the parties became harsh orgies. The halls resonate with how bored you are by the flawless skin and velvety luscious ways of the nubile dancers and prancers who punctuated your evenings. You spent more time questioning me than signing documents, your clean starched robes ever more splattered with the blood from my body from the strokes.
I tell you nothing but you don't stop questioning, demanding. You have taken to it with relish, with the concern for the truth and safety of the kingdom as your foil. My harried shrieks of pain and my cries of mercy will yield no fruit and no secrets, but you continue anyway. But i know you don't care, in fact you are glad i divulge nothing so that you can go on beating me. You are early to get here, you don't leave till late judging by the meals that are now served here in the chamber. I know you would rather be here than upstairs in your throne room. I can feel you thinking of me when the edicts are presented to you for signing at the beginning of every morning and when the countless affairs of state are read to you for consideration. I can sense it when you walk into my dungeon, when you eagerly grasp the whip or other implement and start on me. I can hear it in your breathing, coming in gasps during the pauses between flogging, fast and shallow the more i scream, and the tender way you touch my back and rub the salt into the wounds. You whisper to me, tell me the truth, and this will stop. But that will never happen -you want to break me, but if i break you will not have the pleasure of the breaking any longer.
in this desert you are king and the state is going to pieces while you linger in this dungeon with me. You are tired of your delicious perfect whores and long for something bloodier and darker. We both know no amount of torture will yield any secrets from me, but you are not here to learn any secrets. The black clad torturers have taken a back seat, and you handle the tools with tenderness. The howls of agony that emanate from me last hours until my voice gives out in a dry croak, and every cry and spasm of pain from me only fuels you more. Soon you will be here at all hours of the day, sick of your sunlight filled gardens and billowing sheer curtains and soft pillows, taking in the dark and rat infested room what they can never give you. And i, joined to you in pain, will have achieved what you never believed i would.
im the queen, bow down to me.
maybe i'll let u out of the dungeon.
- liz', the queen. hahahahhaah
Anonymous, at Wednesday, June 01, 2005 4:17:00 AM
I loved that, strangely.
Morbid, but yet fascinating.
Write more of these!!
Anonymous, at Wednesday, June 01, 2005 9:50:00 AM
"harsh orgies"
"nibuile dancers"
hmm hmm.
highly interesting.
let the camels out.
-your not-so-secret lover.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, June 01, 2005 6:57:00 PM
my "not so secret lover"? well hi there, how are you and how would you like to see the camels out?
pure, at Thursday, June 02, 2005 12:17:00 AM
Mr Weng, can you have a short paragraph to help me decipher your posts. Your entries are like the 2 humps on a camel and I am stuck in between.
karen, at Thursday, June 02, 2005 4:06:00 AM
uhh rights. ive no idea what to comment on (=. im just taking up spacee seeeeeeeeeeeee xD
Anonymous, at Thursday, June 02, 2005 5:23:00 AM
im as fine as the hairs in ur nostrils.
hmm. i want the camels to be on a leash. disciplined but refreshing.
-your not-so-secret lover.
Anonymous, at Thursday, June 02, 2005 7:20:00 AM
it's anything you would want it to be karen. it's just the raw emotion.
pure, at Friday, June 03, 2005 7:38:00 AM
Aik! Leash the Camels? whatever the hell for? We're pretty tame in case you haven't realized :)
Before a couple rounds of drinks at least.
Eddie G., at Friday, June 03, 2005 8:28:00 PM
piles on the floor of artifacts from dresser drawers
it is never asked why because there exists no answer to that. have i become too rough and uncouth to be able to comprehend the depths of your madness? discounting the wrong done towards you, how can you? where is your self-preservation?--she did this to you! she did this to you! so what if you make your captor out to be as much as a slave as you? what will your sensitivity bring you but pain? it doesn't change how she would still be willing to knowingly twist this knot in your gut, stab you in the eye.
do not invoke names of the ghosts--there is nothing karmic about this. in the springtime of her indecision you were right; she did not believe (did you already know? or did you just not believe?) but you were right even then in march (i am hinged on that one prophetic word, you know all this already)--it is all so ridiculous now.
she should have left earlier so she could have stayed.
Anonymous, at Saturday, June 04, 2005 9:06:00 AM
"you destroyed me. thank you."
the harsh silences between whip lashes are punctuated not just by gasping breaths but also the knowledge that foolhardiness arrived me here. i have nothing but my self to blame (better i should have known); she clasped to her heart what belonged to her, i clutched an empty paper bag and a ticket stub for a movie long over.
in this dungeon there is no king, only torturer and tortured. most are both, but i am only one, and with every wince and howl i say in a soft voice, 'do it again.'
pure, at Sunday, June 05, 2005 8:37:00 AM
try repeating those in english (=
Anonymous, at Sunday, June 05, 2005 10:07:00 PM
sometimes i feel that this society is like your dungeon above. and we are being questioned and asked to do things that we have no intention to do but yet we are forced to do. we will all be forgotten one day. we will die eventually. yes no doubt. one thing that cant be lost should be morality. the ability to keep secrets without leaking them out even when you are being interrogated. It vividly paints out the image of a cruel dungeon somewhat. But well. shit im talking nonsense. anyway go read 5 ways to kill a man. i still like the last paragraph. about just leaving him in a 20th century society or something (=.
Anonymous, at Sunday, June 05, 2005 10:13:00 PM
i know - the simplest way is to leave him there. is the same true of the 21st century?
pure, at Monday, June 06, 2005 7:26:00 PM
take away his pride?
he wld rather be dead.
21st century
just begin...
if man continue to use hundreds and hundreds of paper each day
one day, there will be no more green in the world and maybe we'll all perish.
if only science and tech can advance fast enough, maybe, when that day come, we'll be on our way to Mars. suddenly space exploration makes sense. how riduiculous could that be when we human actions are a form of absurdity? developing exponentially, without giving a thought to the environment. how much longer can we sustain? and are we even aware of the damage we have done to the environment?
until the day we realise, it may all be too late.
man have only themselves to blame for their downfall.
- liz'
Anonymous, at Monday, June 06, 2005 11:49:00 PM
or maybe this world is too stressful for anyone to survive in. the only people that will survive to the fullest are kids that are innocent and know nothing bout the earth. but someday. they somewhat will know the cruel truth and die xD. ahah.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, June 07, 2005 8:52:00 AM
should a race of people who can't take care of one planet really be allowed to get a hold of another?
(the continuation of the plundering colonial methods....)
"the truth of the earth" .... will not save you from death?
pure, at Wednesday, June 08, 2005 6:36:00 AM
allowed by what?
(should a race of people who can't take care of one planet really be allowed to get a hold of another?)
its not a matter of morality, but if the technology allows us to, why not? why wont human colonise another planet? esp when our earth is dying..
what could stop us if the technology allows us to? divine power?
and wats the truth of the earth
-tart baker
Anonymous, at Friday, June 10, 2005 6:37:00 AM
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