mr lee! go to postsecret now and check out this plain, brown postcard under the list of july 10 postcards. It's just a picture of a right foot and two left feet. What does that mean?
I think Mr Seng is devoid of emotion. I hate the way he goes "shhh" when there's just minimum level of whispering. LIKE, WHAT THE HELL, YOU SHUT UP. I'd like to shout that in his pock-marked face.
He does not feel for our class. He just comes in, teaches us some stuff, and leaves. Although he's trying to teach us substantial stuff, it is not enough. He hardly talks about topics outside the curriculum. He never interacts with us. I dread gp lessons now. I think I'm going to die terribly for the A'levels.
tuck some bong is so boring la........i was drawing him on e comprehension paer....u noe....drawing him with 2 chopsticks on his chest....shooting noodles out from his wrists and catching bad guys with stale fortune cookies and saying...confucius says: u go to jail bad boi................ y is he so serious all e time........i mean.......he enter e to himself for an hour or so.....zzzzzzzzzz....and leave e classroom after e lesson.......tot it wld not be e same after a few lessons....but i was wrong......OMFG.....argghhh
Be not dismayed, for I two had a shitty GP tutor in Nanyang (no it wasn't Weng).. someone called Yee Kam Cheun. GP is mostly self-taught. Take it from me. Right Weng? heh heh hehe ^^
weng! did u receive my sms regarding national day bbq? held at ur place, with loadsa soda and loud music. theme is stars and crescent (duh) and every1 has to come in reply asap. ps:GP is gettin banal and like some routine shit,it interests me no more. not-so-secret lover.
can we go for the bbq....hahahah ....the whole 05a5a shall go for the bbq....muahahahhaahhaahhahahahaha....ur client would like to plead guilty
I hate to tell you this but i dislike eating mushrooms.... greatly. Not that i don't eat them in the end, I often do to be polite and stuff, but I think I like them for their cool name and cunning features and umbrella-like shape more than their taste. 05a5 mushrooming all over the place.
is edwin trying to indicate that my not so secret lover is any less Singaporean than she should be?
i think the whole i love punani thing resonates for most of us.
I love mushrooms too. Just not from the Soupy Place. I LOVE BUTTON MUSHROOMS.
But I don't want them on my shirt. I want Bob to draw me on my shirt, like how he drew yoda karen, astro weng, mrs ho, mr pringles blahblahblah yadayadayada.
Can we have carcinogenic hotdogs and hot marshmallows while we watch the fireworks on tv?
mr lee's blog has become a class message board. (: sorry ah.
i still cant think of anything for e class tee....guess i will draw mr weng instead of TUck some BOng.....lie to him dat we designed our class tee be 4 he came and chase our weng sick of his sick of e way he talks.....and e way his head shakes when he talks.....and his water bottle with a glow in e dark skull on it.....looks so un-cool....seems like he's trying to act cool......muahahahahahah..... Tuck some BOng is a 'weng' wannabe
hes always sucking e bottle like a baby in e middle of e class.....anyway his head has got a weird shape...almost a trapezium-shaped head....muahahaha......dardar...ur words r making me feel dizzy.....zzzz omg.....anyway hes a self admit physics tcher....and hes a noob in teaching gp....but no matter wad....all physics or ex-physics teachers r boring..zzzzz....ok la... not all....but more hr with tuck some bong tmr....
I had to resist the urge to ask seng why he even bought that poserish bottle for what, 30 bucks?
Actually I can't even look into his face. I'm really sorry but I'm afraid to look at the pus from his pimples. I wouldn't care if he were nice, but he's not! I feel like he thinks we're dumb idiotas. He rolls his eyes with that look of absurdity AHHHHHHHH I can't stand him. So what if he's from hcjc. He still ended up teaching anyway.
Sigh. But I'll still attend his tutorials, lectures and do his homework, because I don't have the guts of yuans, bobbi and wj. Sometimes I hate myself for complaining so much and yet, not do anything to improve the situation.
I know he's trying anyway. But he's just not good enough.
huh mark...u owe him money???? oh ya i remb...i was sitting bside u...and he said,"Mark.... Three fifty...its for e worksheet..." zzzzzzz so sure weng will pay for us...rite weng..... hehex..... anyway i really got a good deal wif my sux esp when there teachers like neo
in the summer there was love, and my heart was an open road. we could have rolled on for ever. but the days became short, and winter came too soon, and the land is blanketed with snow. no two snowflakes drifting through my hands are identical, but they obliterate the ground all the same.
mr lee! go to postsecret now and check out this plain, brown postcard under the list of july 10 postcards. It's just a picture of a right foot and two left feet. What does that mean?
Anonymous, at Tuesday, July 19, 2005 9:28:00 AM
eat yeti
Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 20, 2005 5:31:00 AM
they can't dance maybe? or they have a secret third leg. or they have only one leg and their partner doesn't yet know.
pure, at Thursday, July 21, 2005 1:19:00 AM
The long awaited Chronicles of Teffaru: Episode 5 are out! Tell your friends!
Eddie G., at Thursday, July 21, 2005 2:28:00 AM
strong words
Renee Wagemans, at Thursday, July 21, 2005 4:23:00 AM
mark here. nice blog, nice stories, though some i can never make head or tail. but cool anyway
Anonymous, at Thursday, July 21, 2005 6:37:00 AM
you go pick the corn
and ill get the tshirts m ade
and together
Anonymous, at Thursday, July 21, 2005 7:41:00 PM
hehex....weng we miss u............
Anonymous, at Thursday, July 21, 2005 8:09:00 PM
wanna join canoeing...wneg??? i got e MVP award for my team.....muahahah....u suckas out there....challenge me if u can....
Anonymous, at Thursday, July 21, 2005 8:10:00 PM
wow MVP i think that's way out of my league.... i miss you guys too.
But don't ask me back.
paddle on mark. all the stories make sense in some way, just maybe not the way you are used to so far. Thanks P&W, i'm flattered.
pure, at Friday, July 22, 2005 1:23:00 AM
hey mr lee, mark here. hate to say this but i posted the 6:37 am one. sad to say, the rest wasnt mine. but ok, we do miss you, the only truth.
Anonymous, at Friday, July 22, 2005 6:13:00 AM
I think Mr Seng is devoid of emotion. I hate the way he goes "shhh" when there's just minimum level of whispering. LIKE, WHAT THE HELL, YOU SHUT UP. I'd like to shout that in his pock-marked face.
He does not feel for our class. He just comes in, teaches us some stuff, and leaves. Although he's trying to teach us substantial stuff, it is not enough. He hardly talks about topics outside the curriculum. He never interacts with us. I dread gp lessons now. I think I'm going to die terribly for the A'levels.
Anonymous, at Friday, July 22, 2005 9:02:00 AM
tuck some bong is so boring la........i was drawing him on e comprehension paer....u noe....drawing him with 2 chopsticks on his chest....shooting noodles out from his wrists and catching bad guys with stale fortune cookies and saying...confucius says: u go to jail bad boi................ y is he so serious all e time........i mean.......he enter e to himself for an hour or so.....zzzzzzzzzz....and leave e classroom after e lesson.......tot it wld not be e same after a few lessons....but i was wrong......OMFG.....argghhh
Anonymous, at Friday, July 22, 2005 10:38:00 AM
Be not dismayed, for I two had a shitty GP tutor in Nanyang (no it wasn't Weng).. someone called Yee Kam Cheun. GP is mostly self-taught. Take it from me. Right Weng? heh heh hehe ^^
Eddie G., at Saturday, July 23, 2005 5:19:00 AM
hello!! mr weng come back!!!!!! i m dying in our new gp teacher's lessons!! urghs. he is sooo... URGH! *slaps forehead*
Anonymous, at Saturday, July 23, 2005 11:58:00 PM
did u receive my sms regarding national day bbq? held at ur place, with loadsa soda and loud music. theme is stars and crescent (duh) and every1 has to come in reply asap.
ps:GP is gettin banal and like some routine shit,it interests me no more.
not-so-secret lover.
Anonymous, at Sunday, July 24, 2005 12:02:00 AM
can we go for the bbq....hahahah ....the whole 05a5a shall go for the bbq....muahahahhaahhaahhahahahaha....ur client would like to plead guilty
Anonymous, at Sunday, July 24, 2005 11:24:00 PM
I would go as ambassador of 01A2B if not for two reasons
1) I'm not Singaporean... (just like how your not-so-secret lover isn't)
2) I won't be in Singapore then.
My humblest apologies. Enjoy your sewage
Eddie G., at Monday, July 25, 2005 1:01:00 AM
i love eating mushrooms. i propose using mushrooms as the theme for our class tshirts. what say you???
Anonymous, at Monday, July 25, 2005 6:33:00 AM
I hate to tell you this but i dislike eating mushrooms.... greatly. Not that i don't eat them in the end, I often do to be polite and stuff, but I think I like them for their cool name and cunning features and umbrella-like shape more than their taste. 05a5 mushrooming all over the place.
is edwin trying to indicate that my not so secret lover is any less Singaporean than she should be?
i think the whole i love punani thing resonates for most of us.
pure, at Monday, July 25, 2005 7:28:00 AM
I love mushrooms too. Just not from the Soupy Place. I LOVE BUTTON MUSHROOMS.
But I don't want them on my shirt. I want Bob to draw me on my shirt, like how he drew yoda karen, astro weng, mrs ho, mr pringles blahblahblah yadayadayada.
Can we have carcinogenic hotdogs and hot marshmallows while we watch the fireworks on tv?
mr lee's blog has become a class message board. (: sorry ah.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, July 26, 2005 6:03:00 AM
and i thought someone said that whatever this thing is called provokes more intelligent responses huhh.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, July 26, 2005 7:08:00 AM
ok guys i dinnae mind the hotdogs and mushrooms and becoming a message board, but i hope y'all can take the stuff i'm gonna write
pure, at Tuesday, July 26, 2005 8:48:00 AM
say, do you think we're getting more intelligent anyway?
pure, at Tuesday, July 26, 2005 9:22:00 AM
duh we r intelligent beings....aren't we
Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 27, 2005 6:03:00 AM
i still cant think of anything for e class tee....guess i will draw mr weng instead of TUck some BOng.....lie to him dat we designed our class tee be 4 he came and chase our weng sick of his sick of e way he talks.....and e way his head shakes when he talks.....and his water bottle with a glow in e dark skull on it.....looks so un-cool....seems like he's trying to act cool......muahahahahahah..... Tuck some BOng is a 'weng' wannabe
Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 27, 2005 6:07:00 AM
hes always sucking e bottle like a baby in e middle of e class.....anyway his head has got a weird shape...almost a trapezium-shaped head....muahahaha......dardar...ur words r making me feel dizzy.....zzzz omg.....anyway hes a self admit physics tcher....and hes a noob in teaching gp....but no matter wad....all physics or ex-physics teachers r boring..zzzzz....ok la... not all....but more hr with tuck some bong tmr....
Anonymous, at Thursday, July 28, 2005 5:09:00 AM
ellis....i tot u like tuck some bong....ahahahahahah.......tuck some bong??? does it mean u gonna get high
Anonymous, at Thursday, July 28, 2005 5:16:00 AM
oops im making a mess out of everything....i wanted to post my comment in e NAME column...all bcuz of tuck some bong.argghh
Anonymous, at Thursday, July 28, 2005 5:18:00 AM
I had to resist the urge to ask seng why he even bought that poserish bottle for what, 30 bucks?
Actually I can't even look into his face. I'm really sorry but I'm afraid to look at the pus from his pimples. I wouldn't care if he were nice, but he's not! I feel like he thinks we're dumb idiotas. He rolls his eyes with that look of absurdity AHHHHHHHH I can't stand him. So what if he's from hcjc. He still ended up teaching anyway.
Sigh. But I'll still attend his tutorials, lectures and do his homework, because I don't have the guts of yuans, bobbi and wj. Sometimes I hate myself for complaining so much and yet, not do anything to improve the situation.
I know he's trying anyway. But he's just not good enough.
Anonymous, at Thursday, July 28, 2005 9:26:00 AM
i still owe him 3.50 for our comprehension questions.
sorry, random
Anonymous, at Friday, July 29, 2005 7:54:00 AM
huh mark...u owe him money???? oh ya i remb...i was sitting bside u...and he said,"Mark.... Three fifty...its for e worksheet..." zzzzzzz so sure weng will pay for us...rite weng..... hehex..... anyway i really got a good deal wif my sux esp when there teachers like neo
Anonymous, at Saturday, July 30, 2005 9:11:00 AM
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