Time = Cause . Listen and Read.
Sit still, calm your heart. Imagine: imagine night time. Imagine inky blackness speckled with stars. Imagine a road. Also night air, light and transparent. Imagine rolling along this empty road, unnaturally cold in a place which is never cold. Look up at the sky, forgetting the rest of the world exists to look at the giant suns so far away as to be sequins. See those whole worlds that are not your world hanging suspended in nothing, while you feel the air turning colder as you roll faster.
i feel the chill. if i let my hands go now, will i fall faster?
Once upon a time i was in love. I wouldn't say she loved me back but we got by, after a fashion. (she couldn't love me back, there were too many others). But I loved her all out of measure. She was horrid, but beautiful. She was many things to many people, but she was all things to me, very nearly. In her I sought refuge, I sought understanding, I sought pockets of myself I hardly knew existed. Every day was something new and undiscovered. Every day in a place I might have passed a hundred times I found a whole new facet or country. In the haze of sleep or fever of eager gazing at her, I smelled the promise of a hundred million more surprises.
But as always time runs on, and passes by as thoughtlessly as I do the unflickering streetlight near the bus stop. On graduation day there was rain, and I was uncharacteristically equipped with an umbrella. I knew it before I felt it. Good bye was not even a word or thought or handshake. My souvenirs were all stolen.
I used to daydream of a london at war with itself. I imagined a man so overwhelmed with what he saw everyday that when he came home he sank himself in a painstakingly kettle heated bath to forget and aid his metamorphosis into something human. In what passed for life he was not human, he had to change to become so.
So perhaps my dream is real. Sickening disaster addicts that we were, perhaps we would have longed for the chance to prove our resilience, would have ran down the street to help (it was down my street, it was near my house, it was where i did my mundane grocery shopping). Or who am I kidding, we are all different now, I am nothing like I was when I loved her. I am stuck wondering where you all are now: where are you astronaut, where are you geographer - i never got to say i was sorry, i never got to tell you that you were right, that i miss you - where are you solicitor, programmer, dopesmoker, scientist? Crewmen? I never got to tell you that I envied you your girlfriend, lusted after your sister, that you saved my life, that you gave me a home. Are you lying in a makeshift bed somewhere bleeding, tended to by a younger version of me? Are you wandering aimlessly about, unable to remember your own name or where you live? Is your charred body entwined with twisted metal in the dark of the tunnels which yesterday were your lifeline but today your grave? Tonight I put my hand to my mouth in thought or exclamation, and I smell the smell of those old days, still stale and surprisingly unchanged.
And yet though I want to feel sorry for you as well as them I can't. Our affair is over but I paid attention to what you did since then. You called this upon yourself, you asked for all this to happen. You sent those boys and girls and sons and daughters to die in the desert, and now they will die at home too.
london is a desert where friends lie dying and others lie about dying. I'll hold you close like a sack of explosives with a sizzling fuse.
i feel the chill. if i let my hands go now, will i fall faster?
Once upon a time i was in love. I wouldn't say she loved me back but we got by, after a fashion. (she couldn't love me back, there were too many others). But I loved her all out of measure. She was horrid, but beautiful. She was many things to many people, but she was all things to me, very nearly. In her I sought refuge, I sought understanding, I sought pockets of myself I hardly knew existed. Every day was something new and undiscovered. Every day in a place I might have passed a hundred times I found a whole new facet or country. In the haze of sleep or fever of eager gazing at her, I smelled the promise of a hundred million more surprises.
But as always time runs on, and passes by as thoughtlessly as I do the unflickering streetlight near the bus stop. On graduation day there was rain, and I was uncharacteristically equipped with an umbrella. I knew it before I felt it. Good bye was not even a word or thought or handshake. My souvenirs were all stolen.
I used to daydream of a london at war with itself. I imagined a man so overwhelmed with what he saw everyday that when he came home he sank himself in a painstakingly kettle heated bath to forget and aid his metamorphosis into something human. In what passed for life he was not human, he had to change to become so.
So perhaps my dream is real. Sickening disaster addicts that we were, perhaps we would have longed for the chance to prove our resilience, would have ran down the street to help (it was down my street, it was near my house, it was where i did my mundane grocery shopping). Or who am I kidding, we are all different now, I am nothing like I was when I loved her. I am stuck wondering where you all are now: where are you astronaut, where are you geographer - i never got to say i was sorry, i never got to tell you that you were right, that i miss you - where are you solicitor, programmer, dopesmoker, scientist? Crewmen? I never got to tell you that I envied you your girlfriend, lusted after your sister, that you saved my life, that you gave me a home. Are you lying in a makeshift bed somewhere bleeding, tended to by a younger version of me? Are you wandering aimlessly about, unable to remember your own name or where you live? Is your charred body entwined with twisted metal in the dark of the tunnels which yesterday were your lifeline but today your grave? Tonight I put my hand to my mouth in thought or exclamation, and I smell the smell of those old days, still stale and surprisingly unchanged.
And yet though I want to feel sorry for you as well as them I can't. Our affair is over but I paid attention to what you did since then. You called this upon yourself, you asked for all this to happen. You sent those boys and girls and sons and daughters to die in the desert, and now they will die at home too.
london is a desert where friends lie dying and others lie about dying. I'll hold you close like a sack of explosives with a sizzling fuse.
so confused.
- bud
Anonymous, at Monday, July 11, 2005 4:29:00 PM
Where's my street, my house, and the place that i'll do my mundane grocery shopping? I want to get out of this place.
Have you ever wished that the car you were driving would crash, and you would die in that instant?
How come you always seem to love the wrong girl ah.
You remind me of the idiot in some Channel 8 drama serial who's always falling in love with a girl who's so-called, "out of your league", who's a total bitch, who's irresponsible and selfish, who will never reciprocate your love.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, July 12, 2005 5:22:00 AM
everyone has probably once wished they would die in a car crash, in an accident. because its not consider as committing suicide. hence not going against God.
we'll always yearn for what we do not have.
but its only wise to let go when its time is due and like you (green) have said, love those that love you. its time to review your life.
- bud
Anonymous, at Tuesday, July 12, 2005 7:45:00 AM
i've tried my best or like what you would always say, "im trying my best." i still cant figure out who's who. yes. WHO's WHO. how many people are there anyway? initially i thought there were only two. did you include your london friends?
Anonymous, at Tuesday, July 12, 2005 8:03:00 AM
i often wish that the car i was in would just crash. Just a little slip of the wheel, and it'll be all over.
I am an idiot I know. I think everybody knows it.
I used to live near King's Cross, between it and Euston. I used to walk to a mall next to Russell Square to do my grocery shopping because it was cheeap. Iceland had all the bargain basement frozen food you could want. Great Ormond Street Hospital was just a few lanes away.
I know those shady lanes in Tavistock. I know bus number 30. Sennet House is right there, the building which Hitler wanted for his headquarters when he would land in England. The Museum is right there, the repository for all the history stolen from the colonies.
I often love what is out of my league. Isn't it just so? Like Favstvs, I am an overreacher. O that a man's reach should exceed his grasp. But I don't know what a heaven is for. Maybe my name should be Icarus.
Sitting on the stone cold wooden bench, feeling the chill wind coming off the river freeze and numb my face, hands in my greatcoat pockets desperately trying to keep warm (closing my fists i can feel my fingertips are icicles), I reach for the bottle in my satchel to take a chattering hit, and think: it doesn't get any better than this.
pure, at Tuesday, July 12, 2005 11:03:00 PM
don't be sorry green. there's nothing for you to be sorry about. there's nothing for anyone else to be sorry for.
pure, at Tuesday, July 12, 2005 11:05:00 PM
hellos! why is everyone so serious arh? haha you will meet the one for you! usually the channel eight drama will end up with the guy finding the perfect one for him. hehs. (i watch too much tv)
Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 13, 2005 6:17:00 AM
mr weng we miss you..........TUCK SOME BONK is a boring chap.......... can u come back n be a teacher for another 1 and a half years PLS PLS PLS
bob, at Friday, July 15, 2005 2:51:00 AM
i give you good discount. no more thirty fai dollah. now only ter tee foh fiff tee.
eh. bee ah men.
tuck some bong i think you mean. you know what a bong is.
pure, at Friday, July 15, 2005 3:38:00 AM
nothing hurts like love........ so sad but true
marlies, at Friday, July 15, 2005 4:01:00 AM
yes i noe wads a bong ahahhahahaha......................ahhahaha ur mother so fat....den when she jump for joy.....she got stuck...ok...thank you
bob, at Sunday, July 17, 2005 2:55:00 AM
do you miss me? i miss you. will you marry me
Anonymous, at Sunday, July 17, 2005 7:31:00 PM
aRREnt we KOOLLL....Dont We sOUND rEALLY HIIIIIIPPPPP......we r going to meet some bitches tonite...WE R pIMPPPPING
bob, at Sunday, July 17, 2005 7:32:00 PM
tak some bonggg. (=.
"THE BAR-FEI is over there"
Anonymous, at Sunday, July 17, 2005 7:36:00 PM
ooooiii who's imitating my nemesis again.... boooooooooooooobbbi?
"dey are of the gay, and you are in the entertainment business. Do you know them?"
and please, do not shout in the casino.
pure, at Sunday, July 17, 2005 11:05:00 PM
by the way bobbi i can't get into your blog.
pure, at Sunday, July 17, 2005 11:06:00 PM
Bobbi never fails to make me laugh with his version of that.
Aiya mr lee you are not an idiot lah. You said you were okay with maths. HOW CAN ANYONE HUMAN BE OKAY WITH MATHS?
Anyway you know you're cool. We all think so, and that's more than enough. (:
I can't wait to wear my own black, stylish topcoat, feel the hot tea trickle down my oesophagus on a cold park bench, and think: it doesn't get any better than this.
I can't wait to drive either, so that I won't get cheated by cunning taxi drivers.
Anonymous, at Monday, July 18, 2005 3:38:00 AM
lets push racial issues away for now
"you dont give a 34.50 now later maybe price gone up maybe forrty dollahs."
Anonymous, at Monday, July 18, 2005 8:58:00 PM
wooooo is dat right......ohhhhhh.....brrrrr....well let me get u e phone tough guy.....
i din do dat...yuan long did e emma yong thingy..........im innocent.....
ur honour....my client.....WOULD LIKE TO PLEAD GUILTY......[tension's gone]
somebody gotta get-a hurt real baddddddd
bob, at Monday, July 18, 2005 9:03:00 PM
OMg. BOBBi is maligning me. He typed 1 min after emma yong typed that ok. it was him. he wanted to make me his accomplice but i said no. trust me. its bobbi. who else can be so lame
Anonymous, at Monday, July 18, 2005 9:05:00 PM
ok lahh. i admit it was me
Anonymous, at Monday, July 18, 2005 9:06:00 PM
de facto, it was bob. see he admitted it
sinspawn, at Monday, July 18, 2005 9:07:00 PM
that was rhetorical. that needed no response (=. stop shifting the blame you tak some bong. stop faking it. )=. now your blaming me. BE A MAN DO THE RIGHT THING
sinspawn, at Monday, July 18, 2005 9:08:00 PM
xcuse me yuan long dat name is for me not u......zzzzzzzzzz........would i be so cruel to weng.....WENG.....yuan long is behind these all along.......
hey VAD THE FUCK.....heyheyehy... buffet is over there and u watch your words or somebody gotta get-a hurt real bad.....
bob, at Monday, July 18, 2005 9:08:00 PM
i posted too early =/
sinspawn, at Monday, July 18, 2005 9:08:00 PM
sniff you hurt me deep man, emma yong impersonator. I getta hurt real bad....
pure, at Tuesday, July 19, 2005 3:08:00 AM
did you know emma yong has a blog?
just by the way.
pure, at Tuesday, July 19, 2005 3:17:00 AM
is dat right....ohhhhhhh....brrr....brrrr
ok i will check it out.......
mr weng don be sad.....yuan long is bhind all these....not me......
bob, at Tuesday, July 19, 2005 9:24:00 AM
im innocent. im not tt durai. ill get davinder singh to help me
Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 20, 2005 5:22:00 AM
mr weng....actually im e one who did it la....don get angry over such matter....but....isnt it true u r going to marry emma yong???? can u show us her picture in ur blog
Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 20, 2005 5:20:00 PM
i force yuan long to do dat.....i love u weng.....
Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 20, 2005 5:25:00 PM
Bobbi is such a lousy imposter. He can never be frank william abagnale junior.
Anonymous, at Thursday, July 21, 2005 5:47:00 AM
mr weng....actually im e one who did it la....don get angry over such matter....but....isnt it true u r going to marry emma yong???? can u show us her picture in ur blog. i tink i hv fallen in love wiv her. feed mez!
Anonymous, at Thursday, July 21, 2005 7:43:00 PM
W w w w A A D D
W W w w A A A D D
Anonymous, at Thursday, July 21, 2005 7:45:00 PM
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