a pair of dice
paradise island is empty when your heart is full of care.
i know you want to fuck him.
you never cared about grimey when i tried to get you interested. but now that he's here it's all that. you think the tracks i sent you were sent by him.
i was out at sea. my brother was there one minute, and then he was gone. i swam and swam to find him. in those minutes i promised god or mother ocean so many things, if only i would see him again, not lose him.
i would promise all that and more if i could not lose you. but i won't cos it won't make a difference. and i believe you'd never promise anything in a similar time and place.
i know you want to fuck him.
you never cared about grimey when i tried to get you interested. but now that he's here it's all that. you think the tracks i sent you were sent by him.
i was out at sea. my brother was there one minute, and then he was gone. i swam and swam to find him. in those minutes i promised god or mother ocean so many things, if only i would see him again, not lose him.
i would promise all that and more if i could not lose you. but i won't cos it won't make a difference. and i believe you'd never promise anything in a similar time and place.
out of curiosity:
amongst the promises you made to God or Mother Ocean, did you promise to quit smoking?
p/s: hope your brother and yourself are all right.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, November 21, 2006 2:16:00 PM
couldn't you get riled up about it only when i actually have a proper all-out grime phase? and not when i only have all of two grime tracks in my itunes library?
what makes you so sure of everything?
i hope you all are alright over there.
Anonymous, at Thursday, November 23, 2006 3:59:00 PM
as for my actual listening habits of the week, its been the third cd in the bus. and i should think it means as much to you as it means to me.
Anonymous, at Thursday, November 23, 2006 5:52:00 PM
i would never promise to quite smoking to mother ocean... too trivial or unlikely.
pure, at Sunday, November 26, 2006 8:07:00 PM
for one weird reason or another that entry sounds like some book i've read before.
how have you been? (btw, is emma yong the emma yong who was in cabaret?) I'm finally free of the A levels and heading back to burma for a visit with my best friends. Its so gonna rock :)
PS: I exceeded the limit of guests i could invite, so sadly i couldn't invite you over to my wedding to Luke Skywalker HA HA HA
Anonymous, at Tuesday, December 05, 2006 5:33:00 PM
have a nice time in burma. yes that's the same one in cabaret. hey i want to meet luke too!
pure, at Friday, December 08, 2006 9:30:00 PM
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